Brilliant follow-up! Glad you leaned more on the creativity + fun message, something I'm realizing I didn't quite hit. (That's the joy of a conversation!) It's the best way, ultimately to "simplify" though it also kinda complexifies (now a word!) by comparing to odd duck things like movies, artists, music, etc.

I'm now realizing my own acting/theater training plus entertainment industry background helps me come to wine with a similar perspective and energy. I think my energy in a wine room often surprises people. Heck I think Dallas and myself's energy on our podcast is a little surprsing to people looking for a wine podcast. It takes some getting used to, when most wine-themed things are calmer, more focused, less irreverent. Which would be my own addendum to creativity and fun - take your own industry to task with humor whenever you can! BE IRREVERENT! People unclench when they realize you're unclenched.

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Yes! Art can be surface level and still contain deeper meaning. That's the beauty of it, and I feel like wine absolutely embodies that, too.

Also, we are not alone in the entertainment-to-wine industry pipeline... There's a large number of actors and musicians especially who have found a second outlet for their performance gifts in the world of wine. We few, we happy few, know how to capture people's attention with the value of showmanship, and we also know how to continue a conversation and truly explore a topic to its fullest extent. When I'm working the floor with a former theatre kid, I know we'll be able to get some great wines in people's hands and show them a good time while doing it.

And yes, I did just quote Shakespeare to make my point. :)

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I think what you said is key #1 most important: make wine fun again!!!

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Thank you! Wine is so unbelievably fun, even when I'm buried in soil types and must weights. If it's not fun, why is it important?

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As adults, I think we often forget to have fun in general - not just with wine! Thanks for the reminder, Maria :-)

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